Welcome to the changelog page!

Here you will find a catalog of all updates done to my website.

6/15/24 -- Quite some time after my trip to Japan, I have finally gotten around to editing and uploading photos of the trip to here! You can find these pictures on the 2024 Japan page.

6/6/24 -- 123guestbook is shutting down,,, So I've recreated my guestbook with smartgb! It doesn't look as nice, but I will work on tweaking it some. Also! I've added back buttons on all of the pages in each category. For example, our new page--the pokemon DVD special features page--has a back button that leads back to the collections page. I wanted to do this for awhile, but I couldn't make it look good. It looks fine!

6/5/24 -- I created the pokemon DVD special features page! I still have 3 DVDs I need to rip special features from though,,, (3, Lucario and the Mystery of mew, and Temple of the Sea)

1/20/24 -- I created the musings page! All my musings/blog posting type stuff will be posted here. Also,,, I made my first post in it--the page about dyeing plastic. One last thing! I added a chattable on the side bar. I was thinking about adding a comment box on all the musings, but my website will never get enough viewership to warrant that, so I decided on this. This way, comments can be made about anything on my site!
I have recently surpassed 100 viewers, so I hope everyone enjoys how my site is coming along ^^

1/2/24 -- On this first update, I regret to inform everyone that I have been totally slacking with adding the updates done here. Going forward I will be better! This week, I have added background music to the index page, created the website backgrounds page, and have finally created this page!