Welcome to my small section of the internet--the site of one moment! The name actually derives from my favorite show--Maison Ikkoku--which the name directly translates to house of one moment. In the show, the moment to moment lives of ordinary people are depicted, with all of the heartbreak, frustration, joyous celebration, silliness, and typical, commonplace unremarkableness that ensues. To reference that, we have the site of one moment!
This place isn't all too special, but hopefully you can enjoy your stay here. Since you're here, I suppose I
should tell you about myself and this website.
You can call me flan! I am just some idiot who decided to put their highschool learned HTML skills to use by trying (and failing) to code a super duper cool website, so I would very much like to give my thanks to the vast array of resources available to spoonfeed me on how to code. Rudimentary HTML skills aside, who am I? What do I do besides make pitiful .html files? Well, currently I am attending university in hopes to secure a job that is better than my minimum wage job. Fun times, right!
Well, what about me personally? What am I? Wonderful question, dear reader! In the modern times where so much of our lives are dominated by media, what better way to describe myself than providing you with my top threes! TV shows, movies, music--
3 2 1 ... GO!!!
tv shows
With introductions out of the way, let's get into discussing the website!
Truthfully, who knows what it is really! I've always liked making my mark on the internet--I can even recall creating blog sites back in elementary school. I may not be good at it, or have much interesting content to share, but regardless, this is a place I've created that I can call my own. There is no real overarching theme for this site. However, here is an important note! Some pages may have new things added to them over time. If you see this image next to a page link () something new has been added to that page since it was created! Nonetheless, this place is simply just my personal site to share my interests and store things for the world to see, and I hope that you enjoy your time here. Regardless if you do or not, I appreciate you visiting. It would mean a lot to me if left your mark by signing the guestbook on the sidebar!